November - 2020 (Volume-10 ~ Issue-11 ~ Series-1)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Ocular Drug Delivery System:- A review







Page No.



Eye diseases are commonly encountered in day to day life, which are cured or prevented through the conventionally used dosage forms like eye drops, ointments. Delivery to the internal parts of the eye still remains troublesome due to the anatomical and protective structure of the eye. To overcome these problems various types of dosage forms such as nanoparticles, liposomes and micro emulsions have been developed. Ocular drug delivery is one of the most challenging tasks faced by Pharmaceutical researchers. Major barriers in ocular medication are the ability to maintain a therapeutic level of the drug at the site of action for a prolonged duration. The anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of the eye is such that it is impervious to foreign substances, therefore, it is a challenge for the formulator to pass through the protective barriers of the eye without causing any permanent tissue damage. The introduction of new sensitive diagnostic techniques and therapeutic agents necessitates the development of a successful and advanced ocular drug delivery system. Current momentum in the invention of new drug delivery systems hold a promise toward much improved therapies for the treatment of vision, threatening disorders.

[1]. Jitendra, Sharma P.K. Banik A. and Dixit S. A New Trend: Ocular Drug Delivery System, an Inter. J. of Pharma. Sci., 2011; 2 (3): 1-22.
[2]. Kumar A, Malviya R and Sharma PK. Recent Trends in Ocular Drug Delivery: A Short Review, European J. Applied Sci. 2011; 3 (3): 86-92.
[3]. Venkata RG, Madhavi S, Rajesh P. Ocular Drug Delivery: An Update Review, IJPBS. 2011; 1(3): 437-446.
[4]. Mishima S, Gasset A, Klyce SD, Baum JR. Determination of tear volume and tear flow. Invest. Ophthalmol. 1966; 5: 264-276.
[5]. Lee V.H, Robinson JR. Topical ocular drug delivery: Recent developments and future challenges. J. ocul. Pharm. 1986; 2: 67-108.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Risk Factors for Low Birth Weight Babies in Healthy Literate Mothers Belonging To Middle Socio Economic Status: A Hospital Based Observational Study






Dr. Murchana Khound || Dr. Sekhar Jyoti Sharma || Dr. Pankaj Kumar Baruah

Page No.



BACKGROUND: Low birth weight(LBW) is an important cause of infant mortality and morbidity. There are various risk factors for LBW -- illiteracy, lower socio economic status and medical illness in the mother being a few of them. OBJECTIVES: To look for the risk factors of low birth weight babies in literate, healthy mothers belonging to middle income socio-economic class METHODS: The study was conducted in one of the busiest hospitals of Jorhat, Assam. It is a hospital based case-control observational study. Babies who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and born with birth weight < 2.5Kg were enrolled as cases and those ≥2.5Kg were enrolled as controls. Risk factors like parity, PIH, premature delivery, PROM, fetal distress, sex of the baby, maternal age, ethnicity, small for gestational age were studied in both the groups. Data was analysed statistically using SPSS.16..........

KEYWORDS: LBW, Parity, PIH, Premature rupture of membrane, SGA, literacy, maternal age......

[1]. 1)Low Birth Weight - Health Encyclopedia - University of Rochester Medical Center [Internet] 2020 [cited 10 November 2020]. Available from:
[2]. Bhimwal R, Makwana M, Chouhan H, Gupta M, Lal K, Jora R. A study of various determinatesand incidence of low birth weight babies born in Umaid hospital, Jodhpur (Western Rajasthan).International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. 2017;4(4):1302.
[3]. Kader M, Perera N. Socio-economic and nutritional determinants of low birth weight in India.North American Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014;6(7):302.
[4]. Khan N, Mozumdar A, Kaur S. Determinants of low birth weight in India: An investigation from the National Family Health Survey. American Journal of Human Biology. 2019;32(3).
[5]. Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Low birth weight policy brief [Internet]. World HealthOrganization. 2020 [cited 10 November 2020]. Available from:


Paper Type


Research Paper



Evaluation of antidiabetic potential of Tinosporacordifolia in Steptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetics Swiss albino mice






Anand Mohan || Raj Kumar singh || Shashi Bhushan Lal

Page No.



Background: Tinosporacordifoliaa herb has different Classes of phytochemicals with medicinal significance. The aim was to evaluate the antidiabetic potential of T. Cordifolia in STZ induced diabetic mice in Comparision with a Currently used oral antidiabetic agent rosiglitazone. Materials and Method:There were 30 mice with fasting blood glucose (FBG) in the range 70-110 mg/dl were used for the study five groups each containing six mice, were induced diabetes with STZ (0.5mg/kg). The diabetic control group (0.5ml normal saline), Standard control group (2mg/kg rosiglitazone), test group I (100mg/kg T. Cordifolia extract), test group II (200 mg/kg T. Cordifolia extract). Fasting glucose levels were recorded on 1st,7th, 14th and 21st day. Stastical analysis was done by using MATLAB software and data were presented as mean ± SEM.........

KEYWORDS: Tinosporacordifolia, Rosiglitazone, Streptozotocin, antidiabetic potential.

[1]. American diabetic association. Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic Care. 2005;28(1): S37-S42.
[2]. Park K. Park's textbook of preventive and social medicine. 19thEdn. Jabalpur: BanarasidasBhanot; 2005:327-332
[3]. Kasper DL, Braunwal E, Fauci AS Hauser AL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, editors. Harrison's principels of internal medicine, vol.2, 16thEdn. Newyork, McGraw Hill;2005:2152-2179.
[4]. Krishna KL, Jigar B, Jagruti P. Guduchi (Tinosporacordifolia): Biological and Medicinal properties: A review. Internet J Altern Med. 2009;6:2.
[5]. Gallagher AM, Flatt PR, Duffy G, Abdel-Wahab YHA. The effects of traditional antidiabetic plants on in vitro glucose diffusion. Nutr Res. 2015 Jan 2;23 (3): 413-24.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Appraisal of Antibiotic Prescribing Profile of Patients sent for Laboratory Investigations in a Tertiary Hospital, Jos - Nigeria






Ogundeko TO || Builders M || Ramyil MSC || Adu PJ || Onuwe AA || Ogbole EA || Onubi J || Bassi AP || Bello CSS || Sokomba EN

Page No.



Background: The danger associated with unguided and unmonitored prescribing of antibiotics in health institutions calls for antibiotic policies in order to avoid deviation from the standard recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Institutions that uphold compliance should be highly commended. This study was aimed to evaluate the prescribing pattern of antibiotics in Bingham University Teaching Hospital (BHUTH), Jos Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Trend and adherence-check on antibiotics prescriptions in compliance with the WHO and the institutions essential drug lists (IEDL), identification of prevalent infections especially from clients sent to the laboratory for various investigations before prescriptions were reviewed from 620 Hospital cards of the General Out-Patients Department (GOPD)........

KEY WORD: Antibiotics, prescribing pattern; prevalent infection; Laboratory investigation; EDL adherence; BHUTH; Nigeria.

[1]. Ogundeko TO et al., Readability of drugs and chemicals package inserts information: A survey of the Nigerian market. Wjpls. 2018; (4) 5.
[2]. Remesh A, Samna Salim AM, Gayathri UN, Retnavally KG: Antibiotics prescribing pattern in the in-patient departments of a tertiary care hospital. Pharma Pract 2013, 4: 71-76. 10.4103/2045-080X.112987.
[3]. Marc J Struelens, BaudouinByl, Jean-Louis Vincent. Antibiotic policy: a tool for controlling resistance of hospital pathogens.(1999). DOI:
[4]. Chambers HF. General Principles of antimicrobial therapy. In: Brunton LL, Lazo JS, Parker KL, editors. Goodman and Gillman′s The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 11 th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Press. 2006; 1095-110.
[5]. Alanis JA. Resistance to Antibiotics: Are We in the Post-Antibiotic Era? Arch Med Res 2005; 36:697-705.


Paper Type


Research Paper



A Validated LC-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Dapagliflozin and Metformin in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form






Sahil Kalyan || Amrita Parle

Page No.



A precise and highly sensitive LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for the simultaneous estimation of Dapagliflozin and Metformin in pharmaceutical dosage form. Chromatographic separation was performed on Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 EC-C18 (2.1×100 mm, 2.7 μm) column. Isocratic elution was achieved using 5mM ammonium acetate: acetonitrile (20:80, v/v) as mobile phase with column temperature at 35°C and flow rate at 0.2 mL min-1.The mass spectrometer was operated under multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode using electrospray ionization by monitoring the transition pair (precursor to product ion) of m/z 426.20-107.20 and 130.10-60.10 for dapagliflozin and metformin respectively.........

KEYWORDS: Dapagliflozin, Metformin, LC-MS/MS, Validation, Spectroscopy.

[1]. E.M. Vivian, Dapagliflozin: a new sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor for treatment of type 2 diabetes, Am. J. Health-Syst. Pharm, 72(5), 2015, 361-372.
[2]. C.J. Bailey,J.L. Gross, A. Pieters, A. Bastein and A.F. List, Effect of dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes who have inadequate glycaemic control with metformin: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial,Lancet, 375(9733), 2010, 2223-2233.
[3]. A. Urooj,P.S. Sundar,R. Vasanthi, et al., Development and validation of RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of dapagliflozin and metformin in bulk and synthetic mixture, WJPPS 6(2017) 2139-2150.
[4]. B.R. Jani,K.V. Shah, P.P. Kapupara, Development and validation of UV spectroscopic method for simultaneous estimation of dapagliflozin and metformin hydrochloride in synthetic mixture,J. Bioequiv.1 (2015) 1-8.
[5]. P.A. Shah, P.S. Shrivastav,J.V. Shah, Simultaneous quantitation of metformin and dapagliflozin in human plasma by LC-MS/MS: Application to a pharmacokinetic study, Biomed. Chromatogr. 33(2019)e4453.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Toxicological effects of ecstasy: a review






Stella Martins Castro || Jéssica Di Paula da Silva Cordeiro || Maria de Fátima Melo da Costa || Diandra Araújo da Luz

Page No.



Although ecstasy is wrongly classified as harmless, it can cause toxicity to the cardiovascular, hepatic, immune and nervous systems, and can even lead to death. Soon this review article seeks to identify and report the toxic effects of MDMA on the body, through studies published in the literature. Through PubMed and Scielo database articles, theses, monographs, book chapters referring to history, epidemiology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and its main toxic events. Since, these need to be better elucidated, for the understanding of the damages caused by the substance. However, the data collected in this work point to the need to develop measures to combat consumption and the belief of its "innocuity".

Keywords: Abuse Drugs,Ecstasy, MDMA, Toxicology

[1]. S.P. Almeida, M.T.A. Silva, Histórico, Efeitos e Mecanismo de ação do Êxtase (3,4 Metilenodioximetanfetamina): Revisão Da Literatura, RevistaPanamericana De SaludPública / Pan American Journal of Public Health, 8(6), 2000, 393-402.

[2]. C.K Bastos, Intoxicações por êxtase: série de casos do centro de informaçõestoxicológicas de Santa Catarina. Undergraduate Thesis, Faculdade De Medicina, Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, SC, 2011.

[3]. G.F. Gil, J.V. Gimenez, C.C.B. Suaez, Drogas Alucinógenas e suadetecção laboratorial. RevistaEletrônica De AnálisesClínicas, 2(3), 2014, 0-14.

[4]. D. F. Guerreiro, A. L. Carmo, J. A. Silva, R. Navarro, C. Góis, Club Drugs: um novo perfil de abuso de substânciasemadolescentes e jovensadultos. Acta Medica Portuguesa, 24(5), 2011, 739–756.

[5]. E.T. Moro, A.A. Ferraz, N.P.S. Módolo, Anestesia e o usuário de ecstasy. RevistaBrasileira De Anestesiologia, 56(2), 2006, 183-188.