April - 2024 (Volume-14 ~ Issue-4)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Overview on the Repurposing Of Drug Aspirin in Colon Cancer






Hariom Rajput, Ankit Kumar Giri

Page No.



Drug repurposing, exploring new uses for existing drugs, offers significant advantages over developing new ones. Repurposed drugs have already undergone safety testing, reducing failure chances. Pre- existing data and manufacturing knowledge shorten the process. Development is cheaper, with estimates at $300 million compared to $2-3 billion for new drugs. Repurposed drugs can reach the market in 3-12 years, versus 10-17 years for new drugs. Overall, drug repurposing is a promising approach for faster, cheaper development of new treatments. Colon cancer treatment faces hurdles. Traditional drug development is slow and expensive. This review highlights drug repurposing as a strategic solution..........

KEYWORDS Colon cancer, Repurposing, Aspirin, Molecular docking, Drug networking.

[1]. Sanap G, Joshi U, Pol V. A review on drug repurposing introduction. Int J Creat Res Thoughts. 2021;9(12):d34-52.
[2]. Pushpakom S, Iorio F, Eyers PA, Escott KJ, Hopper S, Wells A, et al. Drug repurposing: Progress, challenges and recommendations. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2019;18(1):41-58.
[3]. Krishnamurthy N, Grimshaw AA, Axson SA, Choe SH, Miller JE. Drug repurposing: A systematic review on root causes, barriers and facilitators. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022;22(1):970.
[4]. To KK, Cho WC. Drug repurposing for cancer therapy in the era of precision medicine. Curr Mol Pharmacol. 2022;15(7):895-903.
[5]. Schein CH. Repurposing approved drugs for cancer therapy. Br Med Bull. 2021 r;137(1):13-27.

Paper Type


Research Paper



Safety and Clinical Effectiveness of Alteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A prospective Observational study






Donik Peter, Suparna Chatterjee, Biman Kanti Ray, Jichu Pulu

Page No.



Background: Alteplase is used in Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) patient reaching hospital within recommended time window. However, it has potential to cause heamorrhage. Data regarding its incidence of heamorrhage and effectiveness in clinical setting in Indian population is limited. This observational study was undertaken to analyse safety and effectiveness of Alteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients in Indian clinical setting...........

KEYWORDS: Ischermic stroke, rt-PA, safety and efficacy, alteplase,thrombolysis.

[1]. Feigin VL, Norrving B, Mensah GA. Global Burden of Stroke. Circ Res. 2017;120(3):439-448. doi:10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.308413.
[2]. Pandian J, Sudhan P. Stroke epidemiology and stroke care services in India. J Stroke. 2013;15(3):128-134. http://synapse.koreamed.org/pdf/10.5853/jos.2013.15.3.128.
[3]. Troke STS, Roup STG. Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Ischemic Stroke. N Engl J Med. 1996;334(21):1405-1406. doi:10.1056/NEJM199605233342114.
[4]. Werner Hacke, Markku Kaste, Erich Bluhmki, Miroslav Brozman, Antoni Davalos DG et al. Thrombolysis with Alteplase 3 to 4.5 hours after Acute Ischemic stroke. New Engl J. 2008;359(13):1317-1329. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1514204.
[5]. Padma MV, Singh MB, Bhatia R, Srivastava A, Tripathi M, Shukla G, Goyal V, Singh S, Prasad K BM. Hyperacute thrombolysis with IV rtPA of acute ischemic stroke: efficacy and safety profile of 54 patients at a tertiary referral center in a developing country. Neurol India. 2007;55(1):46-49.

Paper Type


Research Paper



Development and Validation of RP-HPLC Method for Determination of Leniolisib in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form






G. Sai Teja, D. Archana, B. Srinu, SK. Abbas Ali, S. Siva Narayana Reddy, B. Divya, P. Srinivasa Babu, P. Ravi Sankar

Page No.



A rapid, precise, and sensitive reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method has been successfully developed for the quantitative analysis of Leniolisib in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Chromatographic separation was achieved on a Waters Alliance e-2695 HPLC system, employing a Waters X-Terra RP- C18 column (150 x 4.6 mm, 3.5μ) with a mobile phase consisting of 1ml triethylamine (TEA) dissolved in 1 litre of HPLC water at pH 2.5, mixed with orthophosphoric acid (OPA) and acetonitrile (ACN) in a ratio of 60:40 % v/v. The flow rate was set at 1.0 ml/min, and detection was performed at 222 nm using a photodiode array detector at ambient temperature...........

KEYWORDS: Method Development, Validation, HPLC, Leniolisib.

[1]. Duggan S, Al-Salama ZT. Leniolisib: First Approval. Drugs. 2023;83(10):943-948. doi: 10.1007/s40265- 023-01895-4. PMID: 37256490.
[2]. G. Sai Teja, D. Archana, B. Srinu, SK. Abbas Ali, S. Siva Narayana Reddy, B. Divya, Srinivasa Babu, P. Ravi Sankar P, Development and validation of UV Method for Quantitative Estimation of Leniolisib in pharmaceutical dosage form: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy,2024;14(2):22-29.
[3]. Rao VK, Webster S, Šedivá A, et al. A randomized, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial of the PI3Kδ inhibitor leniolisib for activated PI3Kδ syndrome. Blood. 2023;141(9):971–983.
[4]. Klemens Hoegenauer Discovery of CDZ173 (Leniolisib), Representing a Structurally Novel Class of PI3K Delta-Selective Inhibitors ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 9, 975–980.
[5]. Bloomfield M, Klocperk A, Zachova R, et al. Natural course of activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta syndrome in childhood and adolescence. Front Pediatr. 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2021.697706 .
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