November - 2017 (Volume-7 ~ Issue-11)

Paper Type


Research Paper



A comprehensive review on watermelon seed oil – an underutilized product






Reetapa Biswas || Subarna Ghosal || Alok Chattopadhyay || Santa Datta

Page No.



Watermelon seed is one of the underexplored and unutilized sources of oil containing essential fatty acids, vitamin-E, minerals and also have anti-oxidant activity and is suitable for cooking. The objective of this study is to aware people about the properties of watermelon seed oil and the potential benefits of the oil. According to most of the researchers' watermelon seed oil has positive impact on growth and it has cardioprotective, hepatoprotective and anti-diabetic effects. After thorough comprehensive toxicological investigation, animal studies, physicochemical characteristics and nutritional analysis, it is recommended that it is the demand of time to explore its commercial potential.


Keywords: Animal studies, fatty acids, physicochemical characteristics, watermelon seed oil.

[1]. Latha Sabikhi et. al., Chapter Four - Fatty Acid Profile of Unconventional Oilseeds, Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 67, 2012, 141 – 184.
[2]. Mirjana Milovanovic et al, Characteristics and composition of melon seed oil, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 50 (1), 2005, 41-47.
[3]. Guillaume Chomicki and Susanne S. Renner. 2015. Watermelon origin solved with molecular phylogenetics including Linnaean material: another example of museomics, New Phytologist 205, 526 - 532.
[4]. Armen Takhtajan, Flowering plants (2nd edn. Springer, 2009).
[5]. Muhammad Waqar Azeem, Analytical characterization of pure and blended watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) oil: impact of blending on oxidative stability, Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem, 16 (1), 2015, 52 – 58.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Extraction and Purification of Yellowfin Tuna Fishbone Flour as an Ingredient of Future Traditional Medicine






Ahmad Talib || Kartini Zailani

Page No.



Yellowfintunafishbone flour contains high macro and micro minerals from its bone which can be used as an alternative ingredients to supply minerals for those who are allergic to dairy products. High quality extraction of fishbone will produce high quality medicine ingredients in the future. Medicine refers to any ingredients that can be used to influence and modify the physiological and pathological state to determine the diagnose, prevention, medicine, and health improvement of the patients in pharmaceutical field. The objective of this study is to perform extraction and purification procedures to fishbone flour as the future ingredient of natural medicine. This study employed an experiment design by trying out different solvents in boiling the fishbone to produce high quality fishbone flour..........


Keywords: Extraction, main ingredient, natural medicine, yellowfin tuna fishbone flour

[1]. Talib A, E, Suprayitno, Aulanni'am, Hardoko. 2014. Physico-Chemical Properties of Madidihang (Thunnus albacares Bonnaterre) Fish Bone Flour in Ternate, North Moluccas. International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)Vol.4, No.10.
[2]. Winarno.1997.KimiaPangandanGizi.GramediaPutakaUtama:Jakarta.
[3]. Anderson JJB. 1996. Calsium, phosphorus and human bone development. J.Nutr126:1153S-1158S.
[4]. CunninghamJG.1992.Textbookofveterinaryphysiology.Philadelphia:W.B.Saunders Company.
[5]. GanongWF. 1995. Fisiologikedokteran. P Andrianto, penerjemah; OswariJ, editor. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.Jakarta.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Importance of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Gestational
Diabetes: Pharmacists' Role in Improving Patient's Compliance -
Pilot Study






Radiana Staynova || Stanislav Gueorguiev || Elina Petkova-Gueorguieva || Vasil
Madzharov || Stanislava Ivanova || Kalin Ivanov

Page No.



Aim: The aim of the present study is to: (1) analyze the role of self-monitoring of blood glucose as a major component in assessing the overall control of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM); (2) assess the role of pharmacist as a provider of pharmaceutical care for women with GDM. Materials and methods: A study was conducted among 30 women diagnosed with GDM in the period February
2017 - July 2017. For the purposes of the study an original questionnaire was used, which was filled in by the respondents during their visit to community pharmacies on the territory of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. All pregnant women participated voluntarily and anonymously. Data was statistically processed using MS Office Excel for Windows 10 and SPSS software v.17.0..........


Keywords: Gestational diabetes mellitus, pharmaceutical care, self-monitoring of blood glucose

[1] Hod M, Kapur A, Sacks DA et al. The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) initiative on gestational diabetes mellitus: a pragmatic guide for diagnosis, management and care. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2015; 131(Suppl. 3): S173–211.
[2] Ferrara A, Increasing prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: a public health perspective. Diabetes Care 2007; 30 (Suppl 2):141
[3] Benjamin E.M. Self-monitoring of blood glucose: The basics. Clin Diabetes. 2002; 20 (1): 45-47.
[4] Mensing C, Boucher J, Cypress M. et al. National standards for diabetes self-management
education. Diabetes Care. 2006; 29 (Suppl 1): 78–85.
[5] Karter AJ, Ackerson LM, Darbinian JA, D'Agostino RB Jr, Ferrara A, Liu J, Selby JV: Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels and glycemic control: the Northern California kaiser ermanente diabetes registry. Am J Med 2001, 111(1):1–9.


Paper Type


Research Paper



In Silico Study of Usnic Acid Binding Affinity with Cell Wall Associated Protein of Staphylococcus epidermidis






Ashutosh Pathak || Manisha Pandey || Anupam Dikshit

Page No.



Lichens a unique group of fungus which associates with photobiont and forms a new entity and is well known for their biological activities. Usnic acid is a characteristic compound produced particularly by the lichen genera Usnea. Usnic acid was known for its antimicrobial activity against various human pathogens. Staphylococcus epidermidis, colonizes on clinical equipments and causes the infection in patients. Cell wall associated accumulation-associated protein (Aap) mediates the biofilm formation and intercellular adhesions. In present study, the binding affinity of usnic acid into the binding sites of Aap protein was investigated. In silico binding affinities was analyzed through Autodock Vina and the docked files were visualized via Chimera. The successful binding of usnic acid into the binding sites of Aap protein provides the insight into the capability of usnic acid into biofilm degradation and bacterial cell lysis. Although the oral administration of usnic acid is not safe as it causes hepatotoxicity but use of usnic acid as a disinfectant can be promoted and commercialized.


Keywords: Biofilm, Lichen, Staphylococcus epidermidis, usnic acid, Usnea

[1] C.J. Alexopoulos, and C.W. Mims, Introductory mycology 3rd edition. (New york: Wiley, 1979).
[2] K. Molnar, and E. Farkas, Current results on biological activities of lichen secondary metabolites: A Review, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C, 65, 2010, 157-173.
[3] E. Stocker-Worgotter, Polyketides and Pks genes in lichen-forming fungi: The impact of algal transfer metabolites (polyols and glucose) on the production of "lichen substances". Abstracts/Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 14, 2007, S217.
[4] K.P. Singh, and G.P. Sinha, Indian lichens: an annotated checklist (Kolkata: Botanical Survey of India, 2010).
[5] M. Otto, Staphylococcus epidermidis - the "accidental" pathogen. Nature Reviews Microbiology 7(8), 2009, 555-567.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Extraction and screening of bioactive compounds of some common hydrophyticand wetland plants from East Singbhum,Jharkhand, India






Kumari Roma || Shukla Kiran || Debasish Sahoo

Page No.



Five commonly available hydrophytic and wetland plants of East Singbhum, Jharkhand, Indiawere assessed for its bioactive compounds namely alkaloids, carbohydrate, glycoside, flavonoids, phenols, amino acids and proteins, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, quinones, resins, coumarins in two different extracts ie. Solvent extract and Soxhlet extract. The retardation factor using thin layer chromatography were also calculated in both the extracts for all the five samples. The specimens taken for screening, possessed remarkable ethnomedicinal valuesand most of them were edible by the local people. The result of phytochemical screening could be of immense importance in formulating new drugs from these hydrophytes.


Keywords: East Singbhum, Hydrophytes, Phytochemical Screenin, Solvent Extraction, Soxlet Extraction.

[1] SBhowmik, BK Datta, AK Saha. Ethno Medicinal and Phytochemical Screening of Some Hydrophytes and Marsh Plants of Tripura. India World Appl. Sci. J. 2013; 22(10):1453-1459.
[2] V.T.Ravi, S.M. Saleem, P.P. Maiti, K. Gauthaman and J. Kamamurthy, 2009. Phytochemical and Pharmacologcal evaluation of Solanum nigrum L. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology,3(9):454-457.
[3] Pal D, Nimse S (2006) Little known uses of common aquatic plant, Hydrilla verticillata (Linn. f.) Royle. Natural Product Radiance Vol 5, Issue 2, pp. 108-111 ISSN: 0972-592X.
[4] C Malakar, P P N Choudhury (2015) Pharmacological potentiality and medicinal uses of Ipomoea aquaticaForsk. A Review. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Vol 8, Issue 2, pp. 60-63 ISSN: 0974-2441.
[5] M.K.M Raja Maruga, N K Sethiya and S H Mishra (2010) A comprehensive review on Nympheaestellata: a traditionally used bitter. Journal of Advanced pharmaceutical Technology and Research Vol 1, Issue 3, pp311-319 PMC3255414.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Impact of Quinalphos on Neurosecretory Cells of Fresh Water Field Crab, Spiralothelphusa hydrodroma






S. Pandiammal || J. Manju Bashini || P. Senthilkumaar

Page No.



The extensive use of pesticides to control agricultural pests poses a serious threat to organisms of the aquatic environment. Chemicals entering the aquatic ecosystem through human activities, either accidentally or by design may cause adverse effects on the aquatic biota, including deleterious changes which disrupt metabolic activity at the biochemical levels. In the present study the impact of pesticide quinalphos on neurosecretory cells (brain, thoracic ganglion and eye stalk) of Spiralothelphusa hydrodroma was determined. Histological alterations and biochemical changes such as succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), activities in neurosecretory cells had been carried out. Overall work concluded that histological biomarkers provide reliable data to discriminate the usage of pesticides which had direct influence on loss of aquatic animals.


Keywords: Quinalphos, neurosecretory cells, Spiralothelphusa hydrodroma.

[1]. Abbot, W.S. (1925) A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. J. Econ. Entomo., 18: 265-267.
[2]. Adiyodi, K.G. and R.G. Adiyodi. (1970b) Endocrine control or reproduction in decapod crustaceans. Biol. Rev., 45: 121-165.
[3]. Ahmed, M.R., Elumalai, M., Balasubramanian, S.E. and Balasubramanian, M.P. (1997) Individual and combined effect of copper and chromium on oxygen consumption and phosphatases of a marine edible crab, Scylla serrata. Biochemical Letter., 55:147-152.
[4]. Amaldoss, G. and A. Mary. (1992) Chromium effects on neurosecretion of the shrimp, Penaeus monodon. J. Environ. Biol., 13: 239-246.
[5]. Andhale, A.V., Bhosale, P.A. and Zambare, S.P. (2011) Histopathological study of nickel induced alterations in the fresh water bivalve, Lammellidens marginalis. Journal of Experimental Sciences., 2(4): 01-03.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Antiobesity Effect of Terminalia Chebula Fruit Extract on High Fat Diet Induced Obese Animal Model






Mujeeba Rehman || S.B Tiwari

Page No.



The aim of the present investigation was to determine whether the methanolic extract of terminalia chebula has an effect on body weight in obese animal model induced by high fat diet. Terminalia chebula methanolic extract was orally administered (500mg/kg) for 49 days to treated group rats to determine it's antiobesity potential as compared to other groups of normal, obese control and standard group. The effect was evaluated on the basis of various parameters (body weight, weight of liver and fatty tissue, lipid profile and histopathological examination of adipose tissue in liver). Our data promises the use of terminalia chebula in further investigation as an anti-obesity agent.


Keywords: Orlistat, Terminalia chebula, adipose tissue.

[1]. Yun JW, Possible anti-obesity therapeutics from nature–A review, Phytochemistry, 71(14), 2010, 1625-41.

[2]. Gopinathan S, Naveenraj D, Antiobesity potential of Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn. and Garcinia cambogia Linn, A comparative animal model study. World J Pharm Res. 3(9), 2014, 1083-111.
[3]. Mohamed GA, Ibrahim SR, Elkhayat ES and El Dine RS, Natural anti-obesity agents. Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 52(2) 2014, 269-84.

[4]. Bais S, Singh GS, Sharma R. Antiobesity and hypolipidemic activity of Moringa oleifera leaves against high fat diet-induced obesity in rats, Advances in Biology 10;2014; 1-9

[5]. Campos P, Saguy A, Ernsberger P, Oliver E, Gaesser G. The epidemiology of overweight and obesity: public health crisis or moral panic? International journal of epidemiology. 35(1) 2005, 55-60.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Evaluation of nurse's knowledge and perceptions regarding generic medicines - pilot study in Saragossa (Spain)






Gimeno Mar || Gomez-Barrera Manuel || Redondo Luis Carlos || Flores David

Page No.



Several policies have been carried out in Spain in order to encourage the usage of generic medicines to reduce costs of the National Healthcare System. Nevertheless, the market share of generics in Spain is small when compared with other European countries. The aim of this study is to review the actual knowledge and perception of generic medicines in Spain to see if more training and information for nurses is necessary. A study using electronic self-administered questionnaires was conducted to survey the nurse's knowledge and perceptions of generic medicines in a pilot, conducted in Saragossa province (n=133). Nurses asked for more training and information about generic medicines in the questionnaire and results show it, although perception in general of generic medicines looks positive. This is the second survey of a much wider research on generic medicines perception and knowledge, done with patients, nurses, doctors and pharmacists.


Keywords: Genericmedicine, perception, knowledge, nurse, generic substitution.

[1] Pharmacy spent in Spain 2013. International evolution and situation from a national point of view. Strategic Research Center, EAE Business School.
[2] Generic medicines market evolution. IMS Health. 2013.
[3] Evaluation of patient's knowledge and perceptions regarding generic medicines - pilot study in Saragossa (Spain). Gimeno M, San Gil I, Gomez-Barrera M, Lomba L. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy. (e)-ISSN: 2250-3013, (p)-ISSN: 2319-4219. Volume 6, Issue 8Version. X (Aug 2016), PP. 01-08
[4] The Global Use of Medicines – Outlook through 2020. IMS Institute. 2015.
[5] Development and validation of satisfaction surveys of patients with the service of essential pharmaceutical care in community pharmacies. Armando, P.D. 2007. ISBN: 978-84-338-4422-4. Tesis Dr. Farm, Universidad de Granada. Fac. Farmacia.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Progressive Necrotizing Diseases; Management:Titrated Dosage
Anti-Histaminics Role






Dr. (Prof.) Anil K. Sahni

Page No.



Introduction- Amongst Various Skin & Soft Tissue Infection(SSTI),Progressive Necrotizing
Disease(PND): Infections, Cellulititis, Fascitis(NF) & Sometimes Myositis, Is Not Uncommon Clinical Entity, Characterized By Extensive, Rapidly Progressive Soft-Tissue Necrosis That Usually Involves The Subcutaneous Tissue And Muscular Fascia, But Can Also Affect The Skin And Muscle, Has Vivid Spectrum Of Epidemiolgical, Aetio-Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations Of Varying Severity & Differing Treatment Seeking TimePeriod. NF Poses A Serious Surgical Challenge Not Only Because Of Its Rapid And Progressive Nature, But Also Because Of Its Attributing High Morbidity And Mortality........



1. Progressive Necrotizing Disease(PND):Infections,Cellulititis,Fascitis(PF),Myositis
2. Aetio-Pathogenesis;Allergenic Origin- Insect Bite/Crawl, Exposure To Herbs, Chemicals
3. Co-Morbidities Control- Relevant Needed Investigations
4. Management Modality-Anti-Histaminics In Titrated Dosage With Other Medications
5. Surgical Procedures-Fasciotomies, Debriedment & Subsequent Wound Healing By Secondary Intention
6. Comparative Better Result Outcome:Different Stages Of Disease

[1]. Front Surg. 2014; 1: 36. Published Online 2014 Sep 29. Prepublished Online 2014 May 31. Doi:
10.3389/Fsurg.2014.00036 Pmcid: Pmc4286984
[2]. Current Concepts In The Management Of Necrotizing Fasciitis Evangelos P. Misiakos, George
Bagias, Paul Patapis, Dimitrios Sotiropoulos, Prodromos Kanavidis, And Anastasios Machairas
[3]. The Diagnosis Of Necrotizing Fasciitis Chin-Ho Wonga And Yi-Shi Wangb: Curr Opin Infect Dis
18:101–106. # 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
[4]. Adepartment Of Plastic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital And Bdivision Of Dermatology,
Department Of Internal Medicine, Changi General Hospital, Singapore
[5]. The LRINEC (Laboratory Risk Indicator For Necrotizing Fasciitis) Score: A Tool For
Distinguishing Necrotizing Fasciitis From Other Soft Tissue Infections1535crit Care Med 2004 Vol.
32, No. 7