May - 2022 (Volume-12 ~ Issue-5 ~ Series-1)

Paper Type


Research Paper



In-Vitro Study of Anthelmintic Activity of Polyherbal Extracts Against Pheretima Postuma






Ilanthalir S || Velmurugan C || Silviya Jenifer J || Asarudeen M || Ezhilarasi S || Myarasan M || Keerthana S

Page No.



Poly-herbal extracts of Zingiber officinale rhizome and Punica granatum peels were taken for in-vitro studies on the Anthelmintic activity against Pheritima posthuma. Equal amount of Zingiber officinale rhizome and Punica granatum peels mixed dried coarse powdered were extracted with Aqueous, Hydroalcohol 50:50 ratio, Hydroalcohol 20:80 ratio, Methanol and Ethyl acetate prepared by Maceration method for 72hrs and the same were evaluated for Anthelmintic activity with various concentrations such as 10,20,40,80,100 mg/ml. Albendazole concentrations 10,20,40,80, 100 mg/ml were used as a reference standard and distilled water was used as control. The results were expressed in paralysis and death time of the earthworms in minutes. The results obtained from the study indicate ethyl acetate was showing more significant Anthelmintic property compared to other extracts and also more effective than the standard. The results concluded that Polyhedral extracts of Ethyl acetate was more potent candidature as compared with standard drug albendazole.


KEYWORDS: Polyherbs, Maceration, Anthelmintic, paralysis time, Death time

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Paper Type


Research Paper



Les soins pharmaceutiques dans une unité d'onco-Hématologie à l'Hôpital






Bandadi .F-Z || Lachhab Zineb || Tazi Mezalek .Z || Harmouch. H || Adnaoui. M || Taoufik .J || Fatima Zahra Bandadi

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Introduction Les soins pharmaceutiques est l"ensemble des actes et services que le pharmacien doit procurer à un patient, afin d"améliorer sa qualité de vie. [1] Cette étude a pour objectif de dresser le bilan de six mois d‟une présence pharmaceutique dans une unité d‟Onco-hématologie. Matériel et Méthode. Une étude prospective a été menée sur une période de six mois de novembre à Mai 2021 dans une unité d‟onco- hématologie de notre Hôpital...........


KEYWORDS: Intervention pharmaceutique, Onco –Hématologie, Soins Pharmaceutiques

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