ATP-ases are a group of enzymes that utilizes ATP hydrolysis, and the subsequent release of energy, to achieve a cellular function. The cellular functions involving ATP-ases are plentiful and diverse including initiation of DNA replication, DNA repair and remodeling, protein folding and chaperoning, protein degradation, intracellular transport, and ion transport. A large number of these enzymes represent attractive drug targets, and drugs targeting ATP-ases, such as proton pump inhibitors. Two families of molecular chaperones, heat shock protein 90 and heat shock protein 70, possess N-terminal nucleotide binding domains (NBD) and require ATP-ase activity for their functions. NBD is charged and highly polar in nature and there is no crystal structure yet published. These two families of ATP-ases represent significant therapeutic targets for the treatment of cancer. The ATP-ase activity of Hsp90, in interaction to Cyanobacterial mettalothionein is essential for targeting cancer affected cells and can be used highly as a drug targeting molecule. Inhibition of ATP-ase activity at nucleotide binding site of the Hsp90 leads to prevent tumor growth. Till now, only two antibiotics (ansamycin and geldanamycin) were discovered for inhibiting ATP-ase enzymes. This article discuss about V-type proton ATP-ases, interaction with Cyanobacterial mettalothionein for targeting cancer spoiled cells in Cancer treatment.
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Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
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Twins Birth in Kano, Northern Nigeria |
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Nigeria |
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Ibrahim A Yakasai || Ayyuba Rabiu |
Page No. |
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04-08 |
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ANED | 05.3013/03110408 ![]() |
Objectives: To determine the incidence of twin pregnancy at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital and associated maternal and perinatal morbidity. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study of patients with twin pregnancy, who delivered at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH) from 1st January, 2005 to 31st December, 2009. Case notes of the patients were retrieved from the records department and the data analyzed using Epi Info and Minitab electronic statistical software Results: Three hundred and forty nine pregnant women were admitted and delivered of twins during the period under review. One ninety four case notes were available from the record officers giving a retrieval rate of 55.6% The mean age was 27.7±4.9 and the mean parity was 2.3±2.21. 69.6% of the twins' mothers were booked. The rate of twin delivery was 22.9/1,000. Pregnancy induced hypertension (12.9%), pre-labour rupture of membrane (7.7%) and footling breech (4.1%) were the leading complications. The mean gestational age at delivery was 37.1±2.4. 57 patients (29.4%) had caesarean section due to various intrapartum complications. Five babies (1.3%) died in the early neonatal period, 25 (6.5%) were stillborn, 23 (5.9%) were asphyxiated and 195 (50.3%) were low birth weight. There was no statistically significant difference between the mean birth weight and Apgar scores of first and second twins. Conclusion: The incidence of twin pregnancy increases with advanced parity and maternal age. The maternal and perinatal morbidity were found to be significantly high in twin pregnancy in this study.
Keywords: Twins, Perinatal outcome, Kano, Nigeria
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Amide derivative prepared from the fatty oil of Pithcellobrium dulce has been found to disperse calcium and magnesium ions. The property can be used in removing the limitation of fatty acid soaps (usually sodium salt) which are good surface active agents but precipitate in hard water. In the preparation of amide derivative, no solvent has been used, thus a green approach has been attempted. The prepared derivative has been identified by IR, NMR and HPLC. In the second part of the study, preparation of a wood adhesive using natural source – Buchanania lanzan flour, has been tried due to high cost and environmental concerns of petroleum based phenol – formaldehyde and urea – formaldehyde resins. The method is economical and ecofriendly. Pithcellobrium dulce (Leguminosae)1 is a cultivated tree, distributed in Central Madhya Pradesh. Two saponins from P. salman2, a triterpenoid glycoside from P.arboreum and P cubense3 and chemical composition of P. multiforum4 have been reported. The linoleic –oleic acid rich oil has been analysed in our Laboratory5 Soaps precipitate with calcium and magnesium, which are present in hard water. To overcome this difficulty, dispersing agents are used alongwith soap based detergents. For preparation of these dispersing agents - large amount of organic solvents are used.6-8 In the present study, solvent has not been used. Buchanania lanzan (Anacardiaceae)9 is a middle sized tree, distributed in dry hot forests of Bundelkhand10. Kernels11 and bark12 have been worked out. Fatty oil analysis has been carried in our Laboratory.13 The flour in presence of phenol and formaldehyde has been evaluated in the present study – to know its performance as a possible adhesive.
A total 7 (Seven) cases of pyometra of Labrador dogs aged 6-7 years were brought to the College of Veterinary Science, Teaching Veterinary Clinical Hospital, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. The history of anorexia, dullness, depression, vomiting, polydysia, poyurea with slight to moderate vulvar discharge since last 3 to 5 days there was no mating of history mating. Pyometra in bitches is polysystemicdiestrual disorder which if not treated can induce high mortality. It is acute or chronic in nature .It is one of the common causes of death in order bitches. Progesterone induce the endometrial hyperplasia usually precedes the development of pyometra. Endometrial thickening is caused by hypertrophy and hyperplasia of endometrial glands which may show secretary activity (Neislon and Feldmen 1986).In pyometra, there is usually nearly complete closures of cervix prevent the escape of mucopurulent and discharges from uterus with a distention of uterus horns. The cases with closed cervix are more toxic than those in which discharges is present (Robert, 1971)
Pyometra, transmissible venereal tumor and dystocia had maximum prevalence out of various reproductive disorders in canines. Survival rate 62% of dystocia affected female canines following the treatment of dystocia is usually not satisfactory.
Keywords:- Canine, Dystocia, Reproductive disorders, Survival rate
Diabetes Mellitus is a global health problem, which strikes millions of people worldwide. Objective To assess the Practice of adolescents with ―type1 diabetes. Methodology A descriptive study (cross-sectional design) had been done on children with type 1 diabetes, starting from the 26th April 2011 to 26th June 2011. Non –Probability (purposive) sample of (100) children, the ages range between (12-20) years, male and female .Previously diagnosed for at least (3) months with Type 1 diabetes. They visited the Diabetic Center for check –up and get their medicine (insulin). The data are collected through the use of semi-constructed questionnaire, which consists of two parts; (1) Socio demographic data form that consist of 11-items (2) Practice items this part consists of four domain: and(36)domain. Reliability of the questionnaire is determined through a pilot study and the validity through a panel of (18) experts. The data were described statistically and analyzed through the use of the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis procedures. Results The findings of the present study indicate that the diabetes mellitus affect the Practice domains. The maximal effect presented by the foot care domain, and method of injection domain. There is no significant association of Practice with Demographic, age, Gender, Residency, family history and source of information. But high significant to BMI, Education Level, Reasons effect visit ,Duration& Information. Recommends the Coordination of the efforts between the Ministry of Health and the staff of diabetes clinics in collaborative team –work to edit a national guide- booklet; one for health providers and another for people with diabetes mellitus, producing an attractive way for readers according to their age groups, and generalized all over the clinics concerning with diabetes in this country and the Expansion of the building and opening new departments that include( eye, neurology, dental, and Nutrition)
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Adolescents, Descriptive study, Cross-sectional design, Data collection.
A rapid, simple, selective and precise high performance thin layer chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of curcumin in mouth ulcer poly herbal formulation. The separation was performed on TLC aluminium plates Precoated with silica gel G60 F254. Good separation was achieved in the mobile phase of Chloroform: methanol: Glacial acetic acid (7.5: 2.0: 0.5 v/v/v) at Rf = 0.18, 0.31, 0.56 for bisdemethoxy curcumin, demethoxy curcumin and curcumin respectively. The method was validated successfully by checking precision, repeatability and accuracy. The present method can simplify the analysis of Curcuminoids in poly herbal formulations for their routine quality analysis.
Keywords:- Curcuminoids, curcumin, demethoxy curcumin, bisdemethoxy Curcumin, method development, validation, stability, densitometry, Quantification.
Objective: The effect of normal gestation on erythron status is a theme of continual interest in the developing countries like India. The present study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the haematological parameters related to the erythrocytes in pregnant and the normal age matched females of Jodhpur region. Material & Methods: A total of 30 healthy non-pregnant females and 30 pregnant women were examined for erythron related parameters which included total RBC count, Haemoglobin concentration, Packed cell volume, MCH (Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin), MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration) & Reticulocyte count. The subjects were of the age group 18-40 years. The Total RBC was done by haemocytometry method, Hb. estimation by Cyan MethHb method and PCV by Wintrobe's method. The red cell indices were calculated using the standard formulae. The reticulocyte count was done using Brilliant Cresyl Blue as the stain. The corrected Reticulocyte count was also calculated for each of the subjects. Statistical Analysis: The data thus obtained was analysed using statistical software EPI info 6.0. For validation of observations, Student's "t" test has been employed. Results: The mean Total RBC count among the control subjects was found to be 4.42 million/mm3 whereas it was 3.88 million/mm3 in pregnant women. The average Hb concentration in controls was 12.2g/dl and that in pregnant women was 10.2g/dl. The value of PCV in controls & pregnant females was 41% and 37 % respectively. Similarly the MCH & the MCHC was found out to be 27.65 pg & 29.81 % respectively for the control females and 26.28 pg & 27.56 % respectively for the pregnant women. The Reticulocyte count was 1.2 % in control group and 5 % for the pregnant females. Conclusion: The values of all erythron parameters in pregnant women are significantly low as compared to age matched controls, except reticulocyte count which indicates accelerated erythropoiesis to a great extent during pregnancy. This reticulocytosis was found in association with anemia and thus represents a response of haematopoietic system to physiologic stimulation of maternal erythropoeisis during pregnancy.
Keywords: erythron, pregnant, age-matched controls, reticulocyte count.
Statins are the inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, are the class of drugs which are used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. They are the most efficient drugs for reducing plasma cholesterol. Mevastatin, also known as compactin is also a statin, catalyzes the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevanolate. Mevanolate is a required building block for cholesterol biosynthesis and mevastatin interferes with its production by acting as a reversible competitive inhibitor for HMG-CoA reductase and thus blocking the enzyme. The present study was carried out on the production of mevastatin by solid state fermentation with Pencillium citrinum MTCC 1256 using sesame oil cake at 28oC. It deals with the study of parameters such as inoculum age, inoculum volume; nutritional suppliments such as carbon source, nitrogen source and their concentrations were optimized for the effective production of mevastatin.
Keywords:- carbon source, inoculum age, inoculum volume, mevastatin, nitrogen source, Pencillium citrinum MTTCC 1256, sesame oil cake, solid-state fermentation.
The pharmacokinetic of simvastatin 40 mg tablet was assessed in 9 healthy Malaysian male subjects after a single oral dose in Pinang Hospital, Malaysian. Blood samples were collected at specified time intervals, plasma separated and analyzed for simvastatin using validated LC-MS-MS method at unversiti sains Malaysia. The pharmacokinetic parameters AUC0-24 Cmax, Tmax, t1/2, Ke, Cl and Vd were determined from plasma concentration-time profile for simvastatin. The results of this current method were consistent with other methods previously reported.
Keywords:- Malaysian subjects, Pharmacokinetic study, Simvastatin
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