Nervous fibrolipomatous hamartoma is said to be a rare tumor-like condition involving the peripheral nerves,in which the epineurium and perineurium are enlarged and distorted by excess of fatty and fibrous tissues that infiltrate between and around nerve boundaries. The median nerve is more likely to develop a hamartoma than other nerves with a predilection for the carpal tunnel. A fibrolipomatous hamartoma – is a rare, benign, congenital lesion most commonly found in the median nerve, usually at the level of the wrist or hand.
KEYWORDS: We report a case of this rare condition in ulnar nerve.
[1] Jamal Louaste, Hassan Zejjari, Mohamed Chkoura et al. Carpal tunnel syndrome due to fibrolipomatous hamartoma of the median nerve. American association for hand surgery, 676-79; 2011.
[2] Asmita Parihar, Sarika Verma, Mamta Senger et al. Fibrolipomatous hamartoma of sural nerve: a new sie of an unusual lesion. Malaysian J Pathol, 59-62; 2014.
[3] Taketo Okubo, Tsuyoshi Saito. Intraneural lipomatous tumor of the median nerve. International journal of surgery case report. 407-11, 2012.
Background: Hemolytic disease of newborn (HDN) is an important cause of hyperbilirubinemia in the neonatal period,and delayed diagnosis and treatment may lead to permanent brain damage. Traditional neonatal treatment of HDN is intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion.Intravenous immunoglobulin(IVIgG) has been introduced as an alternative therapy to exchange transfusion. This study was conducted to assess the effect of IVIG in HDN . Material and method: we performed a cohort study in 2011,in 56 healthy newborn with jaundice and hemolysis due to ABO and RH incompatibility that admitted in neonatal ward of Mahdieh hospital with gestational age of 35 weeks and more . Infants with jaundice due to other causes ,sick and preterm infants with gestational age less than 35 weeks were excluded. In our study we use 500mg/kg IVIgG for treatments of HDN in addition of phototherapy, and in cases with continued hemolysis , second or third same dose of drug was used .In cases with high bilirubin levels in accordance with AAP guideline for treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, without appropriate response to those modalities of treatment exchange transfusion was done. To evaluate the effect of treatment with IVIgG ,we compared results of therapy with results of traditional therapy (exchange& phototherapy) in newborns with the same condition without use of IVIgG . Total duration of phototherapy and hospital stay,need for exchange transfusion and simple transfusion of packed red blood cell was compared in two groups ,and probable side effect of was evaluated .
KEYWORDS:IVIgG, hyperbilirubinemia ,neonates ,Hemolytic Disease of Newborn
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[4] Enrico Lopriore, Mirjam E.A. Rath, Helen Liley, and Vivianne E.H.J. Smits-Wintjens1Improving the management and outcome in haemolytic disease of the foetus and newbornBoodTransfus. Oct 2013; 11(4): 484–486.
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) is a rare and life threatening mucocutaneous reaction characterized by extensive necrosis and detachment of epidermis. The Worldwide incidence of TEN is 0.9 to 1.4 per million populations per year [1]. Here we have discussed a case of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis secondary to Sulfasalazine managed with fluid replacement, analgesics, anti-infective therapy aggressive nutritional support and intravenous high dose steroid therapy. Keywords- Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, Sulfasalazine
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This review article deals with brief description of fat soluble vitamins with figures and tables showing statistical analytical data duly quoting the references wherever necessary. The word "soluble" actually means "able to be dissolved." Whether a vitamin is classified as 'fat-soluble' or 'water-soluble' has to do with how the vitamin is absorbed, stored and removed from the body. Vitamins are tiny organic compounds with a huge impact on the health and well-being of the body. The body needs a small amount of fat soluble vitamins in order to stay in optimal health. Fat soluble vitamins play an important role in keeping the body healthy and functioning from immune system and muscle and heart function, easy flow and clotting of blood as well as eye health. They are critical to health and wellness–particularly reproductive health and wellness. Low-fat, no-fat and vegan diets are woefully lacking in fat soluble vitamins. However a diet based on traditional foods can naturally provide these vitamins. Science is still learning about many of the functions of vitamins. "Too much vitamin A, D, or K can lead to increased levels that are unhealthy and can cause serious health consequences. Diseased conditions leading to decreased fat absorption leads to decreased absorption of vitamins. The fat-soluble vitamins work most safely and effectively when obtained them from natural foods within the context of a diet rich in all their synergistic partners. If fat soluble vitamins are stored for lengthy time they generate threat for toxicity than water soluble vitamins and such situation even aggravated, provided they are consumed in excess. Vitamin products, above the legal limits are not considered food supplements and must be registered as prescription or non-prescription (over-the-counter drugs) due to their potential side effects. Vitamin A and E supplements do not provide health benefits for healthy individuals, instead they may enhance mortality, and it is held proved that beta-carotene supplements can be harmful to smokers.
Keywords- Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K.
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BACKGROUND : Lung sonography has been used to monitor the patients of R.D.S. in N.I.C.U. in recent times.
AIMS : To Describe and Grade the changes of R.D.S. by lung sonography. SETTING & DESIGN : Tertiary care institutional set up in a rural medical college.
STUDY DURATION : September 2014 to May 2015. Follow-up variable, upto 2 weeks. PROSPECTIVE, ANALYTICAL STUDY.
MATERIALS AND METHODS -This was a single institute study approved by the institutional ethics committee. Prior informed consent was obtained from the parents. 100 consecutive patients admitted in N.I.C.U. WITH gestational age < 36 weeks with respiratory complaints were enrolled. Chest x-ray was obtained within few hours of admission and lung sonography was performed within 24 hours. Follow – up sonography was performed as and when necessary. Sonography image was graded and correlated with chest xray and clinical picture
Keywords- B lines (ultrasound lung comets),1. neonate, respiratiory distress syndrome, segmental white lung, transabdominal ultrasound, white lungs.
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[5] Chirag kumar Ahuja et al.Role of transabdominal ultrasound of lung bases and follow-up in premature neonates with respiratory distress soon after birth. Indian journal of Radiology and Imaging. 2012 volume 22 Issue 4.
[6] Liu, Jing et al.Diagnosis of neonatal Transient Tachypnoea and its Differentiation From Respiratory Distress Syndrome Using Lunf Ultrasound. Medicine December 2014. Volume 93 Issue 27.
[7] Andrea Smarglassi et al. The role of chest sonography in the management of respiratory diseases : document II. Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2013, 8:55
The current study was carried out in District Abbottabad aimed to determine the common urinary tract infections in local community to determine the epidemiology of significant diseases in asymptomatic patients of renal disorder. In this study a total of 1000 urine samples were examined during 3rd February to 1st April 2015 from patients attending Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad by using dipstick and microscopic analysis of urine. There were 638 females and 362 males patients examined during this period. The range of age groups is between 1.5 years to 80 years. Results of this study was reported as Pyuria 11%, Proteinuria 21.1%, Hematuria 10.4%, Epithelial Cells 8.2%, pH 7.8 %, Granular casts 7.3%, Triple phosphate 6.6%, Calcium oxalate 6.4%, Glycosuria 6.3%, Bacteria 6.2% and mucous 4.1%. This study concludes that routing urinalysis should be performed for all individuals to diagnose the asymptomatic diseases that will help in simple therapeutic measurements as urinalysis is a simple step to determine the root of Urinary tract disorders
Keywords- Proteinuria, Glycosuria, Hematuria, Pyuria, Epithelial Cells
[1] A.H. Nagi, Urine Examination, Clinical pathology interpretations second edition, National Book Foundation Lahore Pakistan, 2004, 149-153.
[2] J.A. Somerville, W.C. Maxted, J.J Pahira, Urinalysis a comprehensive review, American Family Physician, 71, 2005, 53-62. Retrived June 27, 2008, Pubmed database.
[3] H.P. Patel, The abnormal urinalysis, Pediatr Clinc N Am, 53(3), 2006, 25 37.
[4] P.S. Topham, A. Jethwa, M. Watkins, Y. Rees, J. Feehally, The value of urine screening in young adult population, Fam Pract, 18(1), 2004, 8-21.
[5] B.S. Cho, S.D. Kim, Y.M. Choi, H.H. Kang, School urinalysis screening in korea: Prevalence of chronic renal diseases, Pediatr Nephrol, 16(11), 2001, 26-28
Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor among women. It accounts for 22% of all male cancers; more than twice the prevalence of cancer in women at any other site. Immunohisto chemistry (IHC) is now the globally accepted methodology for detection of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors in breast carcinomas. The present study is designed for further insight into age and biology of ER and PR expression pattern in breast cancer patient of Bihar, India. Samples were obtained from biopsy and analyzed for ER/PR expression through Immunohistochemistry (IHC). Data were collected and statistically analyzed. It was observed that mean age of ER+ positive breast cancer patients were 47 years, while mean age of PR positive patient were 44 years. Two third patients had either ER or PR is positive while one third had both negative. In our study we observed 6.4 % patients with ER negative and PR positive. Thus it is concluded that two third of breast cancer patients was positive for hormone receptor. ER/PR positive indicates over-expression of estrogen and progesterone in carcinoma breast. ER negative and PR positive group was also observed in significant number of breast cancer patients. ER negative were observed in early age group of breast cancer while PR negative were observed in higher age group patients.
Key Words: Immunohistochemistry, Carcinoma, ER, PR.
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Background: Dexmedetomidine (DEX) has shown analgesic effects without significant respiratory depression. As Dexmedetomidine (DEX) provides good perioperative hemodynamic stability with decreased intraoperative opioid requirements, and neural protection, it might be a suitable anaesthetic adjuvant to neurosurgical anaesthesia. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid with analgesic potency 50-100 times more than that of morphine and can be a valuable component of neuroanesthesia but can cause respiratory depression. Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to compare hemodynamics and recovery profile with dexmedetomidine and fentanyl in supratentorial intracranial surgeries at a tertiary care hospital in central India. Patients and methods: In this randomized, prospective and comparative group study, the recruited patients were randomly allocated in two groups, Fentanyl group received an intravenous bolus of 2 μg/ kg fentanyl with maintenance of 1g/kg/hour of fentanyl and Dexmedetomidine group received a loading dose of 1 μg/kg of dexmedetomidine followed by maintenance of 0.4-0.6 μg/kg//hour till completion of surgery. Hemodynamic parameters, recovery profile and postoperative complications are monitored and assessed in both the groups. Results: Patients receiving Dexmedetomidine (group D) showed not only significantly a longer time to regain spontaneous ventilation (5 ± 1 vs. 4 ± 1, P = 0.001) but also of extubation (11 ± 2 vs. 8 ± 2, P = 0.001) than patients receiving Fentanyl group F. Better Post operative analgesia was observed in the patients receiving Dexmedetomidine (group D) than as compared with the patients receiving Fentanyl (group F). Conclusion: In the present study, the hemodynamic control was better reported with the Dexmedetomidine group as compared to Fentanyl. In our study, the patients in the DEX group higher number of patients (37/50) reported a good quality extubation than patients in the Fentanyl group (26/50).
Dexmedetomidine, Fentanyl, Neuroanesthesia, Hemodynamics
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Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
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Country |
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Nigeria |
Authors |
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Kiridi EK || Dambo ND |
Page No. |
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49-52 |
Paper Index |
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ANED | :: | DDL : 05.3013/05114952 ![]() |
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